Exports the errors from a geodatabase topology to the target geodatabase. All information associated with the errors and exceptions, such as the features referenced by the error or exception, are exported. Once they are exported, the feature classes can be accessed using any license level of ArcGIS. The feature classes can be used with the Select by Location dialog box or the Select Layer By Location tool and can be shared with other users who do not have access to the topology itself.
The default output location is the location of the specified topology.
The output of the tool consists of three feature classes, one for each supported geometry type of topology errors: points, lines, and polygons. The names of each feature class are created by combining a user-defined base name appended with either PointsErrors, LineErrors, or PolygonErrors.
The default Base Name for the three output feature classes is the name of the specified topology.
Three output feature classes are always created, even if there are no topology errors of each geometry type. Use the Get Count tool to determine if any of the feature classes are empty.
The field collection of the output feature classes is fixed and can only be modified after exporting. Along with the standard geodatabase feature class fields (ObjectID, Shape, and optional shape length and area fields), the following fields are included and contain information concerning each topology error:
Field Name
Origin Class Name
Origin Feature's Object ID
Destination Class Name
Destination Feature's Object ID
Description of the rule that was violated, obtained from the esriTopologyRuleType enumeration
User-friendly description of the rule that was violated. This description is the same as one provided in the Topology Error Inspector.
Indicates if this error is an exception. A value of 1 identifies the error as being an exception.
ExportTopologyErrors(in_topology, out_path, out_basename)
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_topology | The topology from which the errors will be exported. | Topology Layer |
out_path | The output workspace to which the feature classes will be created. The default is the workspace where the topology is located. | Feature Dataset; Workspace |
out_basename | Name to prepend to each output feature class. This allows you to specify unique output names when running multiple exports to the same workspace. The default is the topology name. | String |
Derived Output
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
out_feature_class_points | Point topology errors. | Feature Class |
out_feature_class_lines | Polyline topology errors. | Feature Class |
out_feature_class_polygons | Polygon topology errors. | Feature Class |
Code sample
ExportTopologyErrors example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the ExportTopologyErrors function.
# Set the necessary product code
import arceditor
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Local variables:
co_topo_FD_Topology = "C:/Testing/topology.gdb/my_topo_FD/my_topo_FD_Topology"
# Process: Export Topology Errors
This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.
Licensing information
- Basic: Yes
- Standard: Yes
- Advanced: Yes