Migrates an ObjectID-based relationship class to a GlobalID-based relationship class.
This tool will modify an existing relationship class which is ObjectID-based to a GlobalID-based relationship class to comply with runtime geodatabase requirements.
The origin feature class or table that participates in the Input Relationship Class must have a GlobalID field prior to using this tool. The destination class must also have a GlobalID field.
The existing input relationship class must be ObjectID based. The data may not be archive enabled.
This tool supports versioned and nonversioned data as input.
Feature-linked annotation relationship classes are not supported as input for this tool, as these relationships must remain ObjectID based.
It is recommended to have a backup copy of the data used as input for this tool.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_relationship_class | ObjectID-based relationship class that will be migrated to a GlobalID-based relationship class. The origin and destination feature classes or tables must already have GlobalIDs. | Relationship Class |
Derived Output
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
out_relationship_class | The updated relationship class. | Relationship Class |
Code sample
MigrateRelationshipClass example 1 (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the MigrateRelationshipClass tool in immediate mode.
MigrateRelationshipClass example 2 (stand-alone script)
The following script demonstrates how to use the MigrateRelationshipClass tool in a stand-alone script.
# Name:
# Description: Migrate an ObjectID-based relationship class to a GlobalID-based
# relationship class. This script lists the ObjectID-based relationships classes
# in a workspace, checks for GlobalIDs in the origin, then runs the tool
# Import system modules
import arcpy
# Set local variables
workspace = r'C:\Data\Relationships.gdb'
# List all of the relationship classes within the given workspace
rc_list = [ for c in arcpy.Describe(workspace).children if c.datatype == "RelationshipClass"]
# Build a list of relationship classes which have an OBJECTID based origin class key
rc_migrate = []
for rc in rc_list:
rc_path = workspace + "\\" + rc
rc_desc = arcpy.Describe(rc_path)
for item in rc_desc.OriginClassKeys:
if "OBJECTID" in item:
# Check that the origin feature classes have Global Ids
rc_final = []
for rel in rc_migrate:
originfc = workspace + "\\" + arcpy.Describe(rel).originClassNames[0]
if arcpy.ListFields(originfc,"","GlobalID"):
print("Adding {0} to the list to migrate. \n".format(rel.rsplit("\\",1)[1]))
print("{0} must have Global Ids to migrate relationship class.\n".format(originfc.rsplit("\\",1)[1]))
# Pass the list of valid relationship classes into the Migrate Relationship tool
print("Passing valid relationship classes into the Migrate Relationship Class tool.\n")
for rel_class in rc_final:
print("Migrating {0}... \n".format(rel_class.rsplit("\\",1)[1]))
print(arcpy.GetMessages() + "\n")
Licensing information
- Basic: No
- Standard: Yes
- Advanced: Yes