Calculates representation symbology and field labels for nautical charts. ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting symbology tools are based on representations, which are the symbols that represent features and text fields in the map text display. The calculated representations and text fields use combinations of feature attributes to determine the symbols for particular features within a feature class.
INT 1 fields are calculated using a collection of rules that are managed in the specification file named INT1.cxml in the following location:
- For 32-bit Windows operating systems—<Install location>\Program Files\ArcGIS\MaritimeCharting\Desktop10.7\Common\Symbology
- For 64-bit Windows operating systems—<Install location>\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\MaritimeCharting\Desktop10.7\Common\Symbology
Feature class representations must already exist on the geodatabase. This is done by updating nautical symbology.
Representation symbol information is managed in the style file named INT1.Style and is installed in the following location:
- For 32-bit Windows operating systems—<Install location>\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.7\Styles
- For 64-bit Windows operating systems—<Install location>\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.7\Styles
CalculateSymbology(selected_symbology, target_feature_classes, {preserve_free_representations})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
selected_symbology | ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting visual specification that will be calculated.
| String |
target_feature_classes | The feature classes in which you want to calculate symbols. | Feature Class; Feature Layer |
preserve_free_representations (Optional) | Indicates whether free representations are preserved.
| Boolean |
Code sample
CalculateSymbology example (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CalculateSymbology tool.
import arcpy, os, traceback
#Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\Data\CalculateSymbologyTesting\ChartSchema.gdb'
prod_db = arcpy.env.workspace
#Nautical FDS path
naturalA = os.path.join(prod_db, "Nautical", "NaturalFeaturesA")
# Check for Production Mapping extension
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Foundation") == "Available":
raise ex("Production Mapping license is unavailable.")
# Check for Nautical extension
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Nautical") == "Available":
raise ex("Maritime: Charting license is unavailable.")
print "Running calculate symbology..."
#Execute tool
print "complete"
except ex, (instance):
print "Error 1"
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
# Get the geoprocessing error messages
msgs = arcpy.GetMessage(0)
msgs += arcpy.GetMessages(2)
# Return gp error messages for use with a script tool
# Get the traceback object
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
print tbinfo
Licensing information
- Basic: No
- Standard: No
- Advanced: Requires Maritime Charting