Introduction to Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) enterprise production
Configuration of the DNC NIS workspace in a geodatabase in PostgreSQL
Create the administrator users and connection for the DNC NIS workspace
Creating the DNC NIS workspace in an enterprise geodatabase
Registering DNC NIS components as versioned and enabling archiving
Creation of the geodatabase DNC NIS users and connections
Granting privileges to DNC NIS components
DNC NIS vector sources
Importing Vector Product Format (VPF) data to DNC NIS
DNC Conflation
Creating Dqyarea features and cutouts
Attributing Dqyarea features
Georeferencing and DNC image sources
Georeferencing toolbar tools
Fundamentals for georeferencing a raster dataset
Georeferencing a raster to a vector
Changing the geographic coords of a raster
Configuring the DNC database for validation
Feature collection
About creating and editing annotation
Collecting Hydarea features
Adding notes
Editing notes
Deleting notes
Quality control
Data validation and DNC
Labeling features in the BotcharP layer
Labeling features in the SoundP layer
Creating a sounding points plot workflow
Grouping DNC layers according to theme
Topology and DNC
Validating DNC topology
Ancillary data sources
Notice to Mariners
Parsing Notice to Mariners files
Selecting a feature in the target layer
Locating a feature in a Notice to Mariner change
Adding a feature as a Notice to Mariner change
Relocating a feature for a Notice to Mariner change
Changing the completion status of a correction
Adding a comment to a correction for a Notice to Mariner
Changing the verification status of a correction
Changing the fields that appear in the Notice to Mariners dialog box
Clearing the red marker from the map display
Exporting the Notice to Mariners file
Unit conversion
Converting units
DNC Edgematch
Removing duplicate notes
Exporting to VPF from a geodatabase
Reconciling a version
Posting changes