Available with Production Mapping license.
The geodatabase administrator must grant specific privileges to the tables for all users that will be accessing the Production Mapping workspace. This can be accomplished by creating database roles and assigning the roles to the individual users.
Granting permissions
In pgAdmin or psql grant permissions to the Production Mapping workspace tables using roles.
Grant privileges:
--This SQL query creates a script to revoke permissions granted directly to pmeditor, pmviewer users.
select 'REVOKE SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ' || tableowner || '.' || tablename || ' FROM pmeditor;' AS sqltext from pg_tables where tableowner = 'pm'
union all
select 'REVOKE SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ' || tableowner || '.' || tablename || ' FROM pmviewer;' AS sqltext from pg_tables where tableowner = 'pm';
--This SQL query creates a script to grant permission to the roles.
select 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ' || tableowner || '.' || tablename || ' TO role_pm_pm_editor;' AS sqltext
from pg_tables
where tableowner = 'pm';
select 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || tableowner || '.' || tablename || ' TO role_pm_pm_viewer;' AS sqltext
from pg_tables
where tableowner = 'pm';
--Grant roles to editor and viewer users
GRANT role_pm_pm_editor TO pmeditor;
GRANT role_pm_pm_viewer TO pmviewer;