The information in this topic is useful if you're trying to programmatically find a built-in command, menu, or toolbar. The ICommandBars.Find and ICommandBar.Find methods can be used to get a reference to a specific toolbar, menu, or command. Both of these methods require the unique identifier (UID) of the object you are trying to find.
This table contains the following information:
- Caption, name, and globally unique identifier (GUID) of the built-in toolbars in ArcCatalog.
- Caption, name, GUID, and parent of the built-in menus in ArcCatalog.
- Caption, name, command category (category in the Customize dialog box), GUID, SubType, parent, and description of the built-in commands that appear on the toolbars and menus in ArcCatalog.
Type | Caption | Name | Command Category | GUID (CLSID / ProgID) | Sub Type | Parent | Description |
Toolbar | Main menu | Gx_MenuBar | none | {278BE34D-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxMenuBar |
none | none | none |
Menu | File | Gx_FileMenu | none | {278BE350-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxFileMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Menu | New | Gx_FileNewMenu | none | {2CFDEBE1-D190-11D2-9F45-00C04F6BC626} esriArcCatalogUI.FileNewMenu |
none | Gx_FileMenu | none |
Command | { New menu items } | { Gx_FileNewMenuItems } | none | {800E4F00-D1C9-11D2-9F45-00C04F6BC626} esriArcCatalogUI.FileNewMenuItems |
none | Gx_FileNewMenu | none |
Command | Connect Folder | GxConnectFolder | ArcCatalog | {63722461-D033-11D2-9F43-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.ConnectFolderMenuItem |
none | Gx_FileMenu | Connects to a folder |
Command | Disconnect Folder | GxDisconnectFolder | ArcCatalog | {63722462-D033-11D2-9F43-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.DisconnectFolderMenuItem |
none | Gx_FileMenu | Disconnects a connected folder |
Command | Delete | Gx_Delete | ArcCatalog | {25C0E6C1-CD06-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.DeleteMenuItem |
none | Gx_FileMenu | Deletes the current selection |
Command | Rename | Gx_Rename | File | {25C0E6C3-CD06-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.RenameMenuItem |
none | Gx_FileMenu | Renames the selected item |
Command | Properties | Gx_Properties | File | {20724105-BAB8-11D1-9ABA-080009EC734B} esriCatalogUI.PropertiesMenuItem |
none | Gx_FileMenu | Displays the properties of the selected item |
Command | Exit | Gx_Exit | File | {2DD446B9-D186-11D2-9F45-00C04F6BC626} esriArcCatalogUI.ExitMenuItem |
none | Gx_FileMenu | Exits the application |
Menu | Edit | Gx_EditMenu | none | {278BE363-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxEditMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Copy | Edit_Copy | ArcCatalog | {C637B93D-0FA5-11D3-9F4F-00C04F6BC69E} esriCatalogUI.CopyMenuItem |
none | Gx_EditMenu | Copies the current selection to the clipboard |
Command | Paste | Edit_Paste | ArcCatalog | {C637B93E-0FA5-11D3-9F4F-00C04F6BC69E} esriCatalogUI.PasteMenuItem |
none | Gx_EditMenu | Pastes the clipboard contents into the current location |
Menu | View | Gx_ViewMenu | none | {278BE354-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxViewMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Status Bar | View_StatusBar | View | {D41023AF-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.StatusBar |
none | Gx_ViewMenu | Show or hide the status bar |
Command | Refresh | View_Refresh | View | {D41023B1-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.Refresh |
none | Gx_ViewMenu | Refresh the contents of the current location |
Menu | Go | Gx_GoMenu | none | {278BE358-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxGoMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Up One Level | Gx_MoveUp | ArcCatalog | {D09884A8-A280-11D1-A049-0000F8775BF9} esriCatalogUI.MoveUp |
none | Gx_GoMenu | Go to the next level up in the Catalog tree |
Menu | Geoprocessing | Gx_ToolsMenu | none | {278BE35C-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxToolsMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Buffer | Analysis Tools_Buffer | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSystemToolCommand |
84 | Gx_ToolsMenu | Buffer Features |
Command | Clip | Analysis Tools_Clip | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSystemToolCommand |
85 | Gx_ToolsMenu | Feature Class Clip geoprocessing function |
Command | Intersect | Analysis Tools_Intersect | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSystemToolCommand |
88 | Gx_ToolsMenu | Feature Class Intersect geoprocessing function |
Command | Union | Analysis Tools_Union | Analysis Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSystemToolCommand |
90 | Gx_ToolsMenu | Feature Class Update geoprocessing function |
Command | Merge | Data Management Tools_Merge | Data Management Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSystemToolCommand |
262 | Gx_ToolsMenu | Merge Features Classes or Tables |
Command | Dissolve | Data Management Tools_Dissolve | Data Management Tools | {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSystemToolCommand |
168 | Gx_ToolsMenu | Dissolve features within the feature class |
Command | Search For Tools | GP Search Window | Geoprocessing | {A395E075-78EE-4D01-847C-773667634BF6} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPSearchCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | Search for tools |
Command | ArcToolbox | ArcToolbox_ShowToolbox | ArcToolbox | {85980C3A-652A-47ED-8CD2-1B99DD060AAB} esriGeoprocessingUI.ArcToolboxCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | ArcToolbox window |
Command | Environments | GP Environments Window | Geoprocessing | {67EFF682-3AAB-4301-B7F6-46A4178FC923} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPEnvironmentsCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | Open the Geoprocessing Environments Dialog |
Command | Results | GP Search Window | Geoprocessing | {9899A86C-A077-4DF4-A178-77B64AE50690} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPResultsCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | Results window |
Command | ModelBuilder | ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder | ArcToolbox | {F6F97AA5-40F2-4C96-8A52-09CF68B30C06} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPModelBuilderCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | ModelBuilder window |
Command | Python | ArcToolbox_ShowCommandLine | ArcToolbox | {1A7E7146-BDFB-4755-93DE-100171382BFF} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPCommandLineCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | Python window |
Command | Geoprocessing Resource Center | GP Resource Center | Geoprocessing | {A7EB9EF4-0457-4D83-B525-E13518A76D0A} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPResourceCenterCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | Goto the Geoprocessing Resource Center |
Command | Geoprocessing Options | GP Options Window | Geoprocessing | {9B927F22-E7A1-4E46-90FD-151569D0E9D2} esriGeoprocessingUI.GPOptionsCmd |
none | Gx_ToolsMenu | Open the Geoprocessing Options Dialog |
Menu | Customize | Gx_CustomizeMenu | none | {81109235-5FE9-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxMacrosMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Menu | Toolbars | none | {10BAA9F9-1C2F-11D2-94B6-080009EEBECB} esriFramework.ToolbarContextMenu |
none | Gx_CustomizeMenu | none | |
Command | { } | { } | none | {2AE639DD-1C2F-11D2-94B6-080009EEBECB} esriFramework.ToolbarContextMenuItems |
none | none | |
Command | Extensions | ExtensionsCommand | Tools | {F647BE13-ECCF-4D32-8B04-72CB28CEAE7C} esriFramework.ExtensionsCommand |
none | Gx_CustomizeMenu | Manipulates the extensions |
Command | Add-In Manager | AddInManager | Tools | {EC9C5C3E-A5B5-4EE5-A7C0-D029044F89C4} esriFramework.AddInMgrCommand |
none | Gx_CustomizeMenu | Manage your Add-Ins |
Menu | VBA Macros | Gx_MacrosMenu | none | {119591D5-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51} esriCatalogUI.GxMacrosMenu |
none | Gx_CustomizeMenu | none |
Command | Macros | Tools_Macros | Tools | {D41023AC-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.ToolsMacros |
none | Gx_MacrosMenu | Create, edit or execute a Visual Basic macro |
Command | Visual Basic Editor | Tools_VisualBasicEditor | Tools | {D41023AD-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.ToolsVisualBasicEditor |
none | Gx_MacrosMenu | Displays the Visual Basic editor |
Command | Customize Mode | Untitled | Tools | {8807BD31-6947-11D2-8D4C-080009EE4E51} esriFramework.CustomizeCommand |
none | Gx_CustomizeMenu | Customize the user interface |
Command | ArcCatalog Options | Tools_Options | Tools | {D41023AE-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.ToolsOptions |
none | Gx_CustomizeMenu | Modify ArcCatalog settings |
Menu | Window | Gx_WindowMenu | none | {6F86E2B8-F261-4C43-A83E-51A87CC65006} esriArcCatalogUI.GxWindowMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Command | Catalog Tree | View_CatalogTree | View | {D41023B0-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.CatalogTree |
none | Gx_WindowMenu | Show or hide the Catalog tree |
Command | Search | Gx_Search | ArcCatalog | {8B313CD3-CA1C-11D3-A6EF-0008C7D3AE50} esriCatalogUI.SearchCommand |
none | Gx_WindowMenu | Search |
Menu | Help | Gx_HelpMenu | none | {278BE35F-5FC3-11D2-8D44-080009EE4E51} esriArcCatalogUI.GxHelpMenu |
none | Gx_MenuBar | none |
Command | ArcGIS Desktop Help | Help_Contents | Help | {D41023A9-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.HelpContents |
none | Gx_HelpMenu | Display the help topics for ArcGIS |
Command | ArcGIS Desktop Resource Center | Help_ArcGISResourceCenter | Help | {4B6B8DA1-19B0-4289-AF9D-16FB23647D5D} esriFramework.HelpMenuItem |
7 | Gx_HelpMenu | Go to the ArcGIS Desktop Resource Center web page |
Command | What's This? | Help_ContextHelp | Help | {81972F0D-388A-11D3-9F57-00C04F6BC61A} esriFramework.HelpTool |
none | Gx_HelpMenu | Get help on the menu command or tool you select |
Command | About ArcCatalog | Help_About | Help | {D41023AB-34AF-11D3-9F66-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.HelpAbout |
none | Gx_HelpMenu | Get information about this application |
Toolbar | 3D View Tools | Gx_WorldViewTools | none | {A42EB656-AC5E-11D2-9FAE-00C04F8ECE3D} esri3DAnalystUI.GxWorldViewTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Navigate Tool | 3DView_Navigate | 3D View | {5C51E3EA-ABF4-11D2-B230-00C04F8EDEFF} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldNavigateTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Navigates the model. |
Command | Zoom In/Out Tool | 3DView_ZoomInOut | 3D View | {59C80519-1BC5-11D4-A380-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldZoomInOutTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Dynamically zooms in and out on the model. |
Command | Target Center Tool | 3DView_TargetCenter | 3D View | {3F82C998-1C5F-11D4-A381-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldTargetCenterTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Center view at selected target. |
Command | Target Zoom Tool | 3DView_TargetZoom | 3D View | {3F82C999-1C5F-11D4-A381-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldTargetZoomTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Zoom to selected target. |
Command | Set Observer Tool | 3DView_Observer | 3D View | {3F82C99A-1C5F-11D4-A381-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldObserverTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Sets observer position to selected point. |
Command | Zoom In Tool | 3DView_ZoomIn | 3D View | {B85C4CA8-ABF3-11D2-B230-00C04F8EDEFF} esri3DAnalystUI.GxWorldZoomInTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Zooms in on the model. |
Command | Zoom Out Tool | 3DView_ZoomIn | 3D View | {B76890B3-E0B9-11D3-9F74-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.GxWorldZoomOutTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Zooms out on the model. |
Command | Narrow Field of View Tool | 3DView_FullExtent | 3D View | {A59C0EF5-E32F-11D3-9F74-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldNarrowFOVCommand |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Narrow the field of view for the viewer. |
Command | Expand Field of View Tool | 3DView_FullExtent | 3D View | {A59C0EF6-E32F-11D3-9F74-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldExpandFOVCommand |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Expand the field of view for the viewer. |
Command | Pan Tool | 3DView_Pan | 3D View | {3F82C997-1C5F-11D4-A381-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldPanTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Pans the model. |
Command | Full Extent | 3DView_FullExtent | 3D View | {C0095E18-ABF4-11D2-B230-00C04F8EDEFF} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldFullExtentCommand |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Displays the model at full extent. |
Command | Identify Tool | 3DView_Identify | 3D View | {3D727E23-E31F-11D3-9F74-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldIdentifyTool |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Identify model elements. |
Command | Create Thumbnail | 3DView_CreateThumbnail | 3D View | {12C74C17-D8D4-11D3-9F71-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.WorldCreateThumbnailCommand |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Creates a thumbnail image for the selected item |
Command | ArcScene | 3DView_Scene | 3D View | {BD98B4B3-DA9C-11D3-9F71-00C04F6BC619} esri3DAnalystUI.SceneCommand |
none | Gx_WorldViewTools | Launch ArcScene |
Toolbar | ArcGIS Server Tools | Gx_AGSObjectAdminTools | none | {0741EBBB-F66D-465E-8B31-2A47AEAE23F5} esriCatalogUI.GxAGSObjectAdminTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Start | Gx_AGSObjectStart | ArcGIS Service | {9809948D-B0D4-45FC-8DF4-3AB3ACBB204B} esriCatalogUI.GxAGSObjectStartMenuItem |
none | Gx_AGSObjectAdminTools | Start the selected GIS Service(s) |
Command | Stop | Gx_AGSObjectStop | ArcGIS Service | {C633C553-C6FF-4DB8-8DB4-1ADFFEA8AD85} esriCatalogUI.GxAGSObjectStopMenuItem |
none | Gx_AGSObjectAdminTools | Stop the selected GIS service(s) |
Command | Pause | Gx_AGSObjectPause | ArcGIS Service | {00D0BCCB-F472-46A4-B3DA-0F13C329DFDB} esriCatalogUI.GxAGSObjectPauseMenuItem |
none | Gx_AGSObjectAdminTools | Pause the selected service(s) |
Command | Restart | Gx_AGSObjectRestart | ArcGIS Service | {89CDCB6E-C771-40F6-8637-67FB6913B118} esriCatalogUI.GxAGSObjectRestartMenuItem |
none | Gx_AGSObjectAdminTools | Restart the selected service |
Command | Cached Scales | GxAGSUI_GoToCacheScale | ArcGIS Service | {2AE86D9E-A965-4B9B-9543-A5211392AA8B} esriCatalogUI.GxAGSUIGoToCacheScaleMenuItem |
none | Gx_AGSObjectAdminTools | Go to selected cached scale |
Toolbar | Geography | Gx_GeographicViewTools | none | {64BF3C7E-E501-11D1-AEE5-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.GxGeographicViewTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Zoom In Tool | Geography_ZoomIn | Geography | {C7FF1D6E-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.GxZoomInTool |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Zooms in by clicking a point or dragging a box |
Command | Zoom Out Tool | Geography_ZoomOut | Geography | {C7FF1D6F-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.GxZoomOutTool |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Zooms out by clicking a point or dragging a box |
Command | Pan Tool | Geography_Pan | Geography | {C7FF1D70-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.GxPanTool |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Pans the geography |
Command | Full Extent | Geography_FullExtent | Geography | {C7FF1D71-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.GxFullExtentCommand |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Zooms to the full extent of the geography |
Command | Go to Next Extent | Geography_NextExtent | Geography | {8223B751-E9EC-418A-A739-933057E3B69F} esriArcCatalogUI.GxNextExtentCommand |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Go forward to next extent |
Command | Go to Previous Extent | Geography_PreviousExtent | Geography | {0DC7BDFC-7EAB-4193-90D2-A2DB8D09C608} esriArcCatalogUI.GxPreviousExtentCommand |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Go back to previous extent |
Command | Identify | Geography_Identify | Geography | {299DD658-1F61-11D3-9F37-00C04F6BC979} esriArcCatalogUI.GxIdentifyTool |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Identifies features that you click on |
Command | Create Thumbnail | Geography_CreateThumbnail | Geography | {7410F770-B225-11D2-AB24-000000000000} esriArcCatalogUI.CreateThumbnailCommand |
none | Gx_GeographicViewTools | Creates a thumbnail image for the selected item |
Toolbar | Globe View Tools | Gx_GlobeViewTools | none | {0C40B6A6-179C-4BBE-BE04-91E55D6A1F2C} esriGlobeCoreUI.GxGlobeViewTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Navigate Tool | GlobeView_Navigate | Globe View | {9667BF2B-55B8-4C40-A4A1-952DD0CA9CF5} esriGlobeCoreUI.GlobeNavigateTool |
none | Gx_GlobeViewTools | Lets you navigate around the globe |
Command | Data Extent | GlobeView_DataExtent | Globe View | {67D0FF9A-730F-4F1D-897F-1399FBBE482D} esriGlobeCoreUI.GlobeDataExtentCommand |
none | Gx_GlobeViewTools | Display the globe at full extent |
Command | Create Thumbnail | GlobeView_CreateThumbnail | Globe View | {B550BC76-86BA-4984-902C-5E4D771F1097} esriGlobeCoreUI.GlobeThumbnailCommand |
none | Gx_GlobeViewTools | Creates a thumbnail image for the selected item |
Command | ArcGlobe | GlobeView_Globe | Globe View | {EAC009E5-88A1-4A7C-B4A5-6D8A3D426200} esriGlobeCoreUI.ArcGlobeCommand |
none | Gx_GlobeViewTools | Launch ArcGlobe |
Toolbar | Location | Gx_LocationToolbar | none | {A507EED9-2E60-11D3-9F5E-00C04F6BC69E} esriArcCatalogUI.GxLocationToolbar |
none | none | none |
Command | Go To Location | Gx_GotoBox | Location | {5CBD3FDB-2298-11D3-9F58-00C04F6BC69E} esriCatalogUI.GotoLocationCommand |
none | Gx_LocationToolbar | Type in a location and press Return to go to it |
Toolbar | Metadata | Gx_MetadataTools | none | {64BF3C81-E501-11D1-AEE5-080009EC734B} esriCatalogUI.GxDocumentationViewTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Validate metadata | Metadata_Validate | Metadata | {E0B19C90-9CB0-4163-8905-678F63A3D28B} esriCatalogUI.ValidateTool |
none | Gx_MetadataTools | Validate metadata of the selected items |
Command | Export metadata | Metadata_Export | Metadata | {81186A0C-6639-11D3-A68E-0008C7D3AE50} esriCatalogUI.ExportCommand |
none | Gx_MetadataTools | Export metadata of the selected item |
Command | Metadata properties | Metadata_Props | Metadata | {075EB5EB-2B22-11D3-A646-0008C7D3AE50} esriCatalogUI.PropsCommand |
none | Gx_MetadataTools | Displays the metadata properties of the selected item |
Toolbar | Standard | Gx_DefaultTools | none | {D43FC3A7-E61D-11D1-AA8F-00C04FA375E3} esriArcCatalogUI.GxDefaultTools |
none | none | none |
Command | Up One Level | Gx_MoveUp | ArcCatalog | {D09884A8-A280-11D1-A049-0000F8775BF9} esriCatalogUI.MoveUp |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Go to the next level up in the Catalog tree |
Command | Connect Folder | GxConnectFolder | ArcCatalog | {63722461-D033-11D2-9F43-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.ConnectFolderMenuItem |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Connects to a folder |
Command | Disconnect Folder | GxDisconnectFolder | ArcCatalog | {63722462-D033-11D2-9F43-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.DisconnectFolderMenuItem |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Disconnects a connected folder |
Command | Copy | Edit_Copy | ArcCatalog | {C637B93D-0FA5-11D3-9F4F-00C04F6BC69E} esriCatalogUI.CopyMenuItem |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Copies the current selection to the clipboard |
Command | Paste | Edit_Paste | ArcCatalog | {C637B93E-0FA5-11D3-9F4F-00C04F6BC69E} esriCatalogUI.PasteMenuItem |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Pastes the clipboard contents into the current location |
Command | Delete | Gx_Delete | ArcCatalog | {25C0E6C1-CD06-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC626} esriCatalogUI.DeleteMenuItem |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Deletes the current selection |
Command | Large Icons | Contents_LargeIcons | ArcCatalog | {C7FF1D67-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.LargeIconsCommand |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Show contents as large icons |
Command | List | Contents_List | ArcCatalog | {C7FF1D68-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.ListCommand |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Show contents as a list |
Command | Details | Contents_Details | ArcCatalog | {C7FF1D69-E459-11D1-AEE4-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.DetailsCommand |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Show contents as details |
Command | Thumbnails | Contents_Thumbnails | ArcCatalog | {7410F771-B225-11D2-AB24-000000000000} esriArcCatalogUI.ThumbnailsCommand |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Show contents as thumbnail images |
Command | ArcMap | Gx_MapStudio | ArcCatalog | {62730796-B876-11D1-9AB9-080009EC734B} esriArcCatalogUI.Mx |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Launch ArcMap |
Command | Catalog tree | CatalogTree | ArcCatalog | {E1D95950-F93F-11D3-A67F-0008C7DF97B9} esriArcCatalogUI.CatalogTree |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Opens the Catalog Tree window so you can browse your Catalog |
Command | Search | SearchDockableWindow | ArcCatalog | {D949DEFF-85E0-47DB-B533-CB2BE6C631CB} esriCatalogUI.SearchDockableWindow |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Search |
Command | ArcToolbox | ArcToolboxDockWnd | ArcToolbox | {353C1CE0-B453-4033-B86C-5933188C163F} esriArcCatalogUI.ArcToolboxDockWnd |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Show/Hide the ArcToolbox Window |
Command | Python window | PythonWindow | ArcCatalog | {D33798E6-C850-453E-A8B2-9B50095352F6} esriArcCatalogUI.PythonWindow |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Opens the Python window so you can execute geoprocessing commands and scripts |
Command | ModelBuilder window | ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder | ArcCatalog | {F6F97AA5-40F2-4C96-8A52-09CF68B30C06} esriArcCatalogUI.ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Opens the ModelBuilder window so you can make a model |
Command | What's This? | Help_ContextHelp | Help | {81972F0D-388A-11D3-9F57-00C04F6BC61A} esriFramework.HelpTool |
none | Gx_DefaultTools | Get help on the menu command or tool you select |