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How to deploy a server object extension to ArcGIS Server (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

How to deploy a server object extension to ArcGIS Server

About deploying a server object extension to ArcGIS Server

Before you can use any server object extension (SOE) that you develop, you need to deploy it to ArcGIS for Server. You can do this in ArcGIS Server Manager.
To deploy an SOE, you need to get the .soe file that was created by the SOE developer. The .soe file can contain one or many SOEs. Once you have the .soe file, perform the following steps.
  1. Log into ArcGIS Server Manager and click Site.
  2. Click Extensions.
  3. Click Add Extension.
  4. Click Browse and browse to the .soe file.
  5. Click Add.
When you finish the preceding steps, the .soe file is uploaded to the server uploads directory, then the SOEs contained in the file are registered with ArcGIS Server. Additional geographic information system (GIS) servers added to the site can automatically detect the SOEs.