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Sample: ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application

PurposeThis sample application implements some simple tools to assist in working with network analysis layers in ArcGIS Engine. It also includes property pages to change the analysis settings for the following types of network analysis layers: Route, Closest Facility, OD Cost Matrix, Service Area, and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP).

How to use

See How to use ArcGIS samples for help on compiling, setting up the debugger, and running the sample. If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

Using this sample
  1. Start Visual Studio and open the solution file.
  2. Build the solution.
  3. Run the NAEngine.exe application.
  4. Open a map document that contains a network dataset and optionally, a network analysis layer.
  5. Use the application to perform network analysis.
cmdClearAnalysisLayer.cs Code for the command to delete all the analysis objects from a network analysis layer.
cmdLoadLocations.cs Code for the command to load network locations.
frmLoadLocations.cs Code for the form to load network locations.
frmMain.cs Code for the main form.
cmdNALayerProperties.cs Code for the command to change the network analysis layer properties.
frmNALayerProperties.cs Code for the form to change the network analysis layer properties.
cmdNAProperties.cs Code for the command to change the network environment properties.
frmNAProperties.cs Code for the form to change the network environment properties.
cmdRemoveLayer.cs Code for the command to remove an analysis layer from the map.
CommonFunctions.cs File for code that is used across classes.
Download the C# files
cmdClearAnalysisLayer.vb Code for the command to delete all the analysis objects from a network analysis layer.
cmdLoadLocations.vb Code for the command to load network locations.
frmLoadLocations.vb Code for the form to load network locations.
frmLoadLocations.resx Resource file.
frmMain.vb Code for the main form.
frmMain.resx Resource file.
cmdNALayerProperties.vb Code for the command to change the network analysis layer properties.
frmNALayerProperties.vb Code for the form to change the network analysis layer properties.
frmNALayerProperties.resx Resource file.
cmdNAProperties.vb Code for the command to change the network environment properties.
frmNAProperties.vb Code for the form to change the network environment properties.
frmNAProperties.resx Resource file.
cmdRemoveLayer.vb Code for the command to remove an analysis layer from the map.
App.ico Application icon.
AssemblyInfo.vb Assembly information.
CommonFunctions.vb File for code that is used across classes.
Download the VB.NET files

Download the files for all languages

See Also:

Programming with ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
What is ArcGIS Network Analyst extension?
What is a network dataset?
About the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension tutorial
ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Object Model Diagram
An overview of the network analyst toolbox

Development licensing Deployment licensing
Engine Developer Kit Engine: Network Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Network Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Network Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Network Analyst