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Delete Files from Directory Snippet (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference

Delete Files from Directory Snippet

Deletes from a specified directory that match a certain pattern.

///<summary>Deletes from a specified directory that match a certain pattern.</summary>
///<param name="filePath">A System.String that is the file and path from where to delete files. Example: "C:\temp"</param>
///<param name="pattern"> A System.String that is the pattern for files to delete. Example: "*.txt" or "myfile.*" or "*.*"</param>
///<remarks>All files meeting the pattern will be deleted from the specified directory.</remarks>
public void DeleteFilesFromDir(System.String filePath, System.String pattern)
  System.IO.DirectoryInfo directoryInfo=new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(filePath);
  System.IO.FileInfo[] files=directoryInfo.GetFiles(pattern);
  foreach (System.IO.FileInfo file in files)
[Visual Basic .NET]
'''<summary>Deletes from a specified directory that match a certain pattern.</summary>
'''<param name="filePath">A System.String that is the file and path from where to delete files. Example: "C:\temp"</param>
'''<param name="pattern"> A System.String that is the pattern for files to delete. Example: "*.txt" or "myfile.*" or "*.*"</param>
'''<remarks>All files meeting the pattern will be deleted from the specified directory.</remarks>
Public Sub DeleteFilesFromDir(ByVal filePath As System.String, ByVal pattern As System.String)

  Dim directoryInfo As System.IO.DirectoryInfo=New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(filePath)
  Dim files As System.IO.FileInfo()=directoryInfo.GetFiles(pattern)
  For Each file As System.IO.FileInfo In files

End Sub

Additional Requirements
  • The code in this document requires the following References added to the Visual Studio project:
  • System