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Creating a TIN (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

Creating a TIN

About creating a TIN

The following code example shows how to create a triangulated irregular network (TIN), add data to the TIN, then save the TIN to disk:
The CreateTIN geoprocessing tool can be used for this task. Consider using it instead of the ArcObjects application programming interface (API).
A TIN is created in memory without the need for a target workspace. While this code example includes instructions for writing a TIN to disk, TINs can be created and used without being saved. This means TINs can be used as efficient, memory-based data structures for analysis, in addition to providing a means for persisting surface information.
// Instantiate a new empty TIN.
ITinEdit TinEdit=new TinClass();

// Initialize the TIN with an envelope. The envelope's extent should be set large enough to 
// encompass all the data that will be added to the TIN. The envelope's spatial reference, if
// if has one, will be used as the TIN's spatial reference. If it is not set, as in this case,
// the TIN's spatial reference will be unknown.
IEnvelope Env=new EnvelopeClass();
Env.PutCoords(0, 0, 10, 10);

// Add points to the TIN. These will become triangle nodes.
IPoint Point=new PointClass();
TinEdit.AddPointZ(Point, 0);

TinEdit.AddPointZ(Point, 0);

TinEdit.AddPointZ(Point, 0);

// Save the TIN to disk. The overwrite parameter is used to indicate whether an existing
// TIN with the same name is allowed to be replaced with this one.
object overwrite=true;
TinEdit.SaveAs("c:\\data\\my_tin", ref overwrite);
' Instantiate a new empty TIN.
Dim TinEdit As ITinEdit=New TinClass()

' Initialize the TIN with an envelope. The envelope's extent should be set large enough to
' encompass all the data that will be added to the TIN. The envelope's spatial reference, if
' if has one, will be used as the TIN's spatial reference. If it is not set, as in this case,
' the TIN's spatial reference will be unknown.
Dim Env As IEnvelope=New EnvelopeClass()
Env.PutCoords(0, 0, 10, 10)

' Add points to the TIN. These will become triangle nodes.
Dim Point As IPoint=New PointClass()
TinEdit.AddPointZ(Point, 0)

TinEdit.AddPointZ(Point, 0)

TinEdit.AddPointZ(Point, 0)

' Save the TIN to disk. The overwrite parameter is used to indicate whether an existing
' TIN with the same name is allowed to be replaced with this one.
Dim overwrite As Object=True
TinEdit.SaveAs("c:\data\my_tin", overwrite)

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
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