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Adding data to the ArcGIS Engine controls (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

Adding data to the ArcGIS Engine controls

This topic highlights the various methods available to load pre-authored documents and individual data layers to the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, GlobeControl, and SceneControl.

In this topic

Loading documents into ArcGIS Engine controls

Pre-authored documents can be loaded into the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, GlobeControl, and SceneControl using the following methods:

Loading data layers into ArcGIS Engine controls

Individual data layers can be loaded into the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, GlobeControl, and SceneControl using the following methods:
  • At run time by the end user interactively using the ControlsAddDataCommand that is typically added to the ToolbarControl to browse and add shapefiles, geodatabase, rasters, server data and Layer files to the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, and GlobeControl. See the following screen shot of the Add Data dialog box:
At run time by the end user interactively dragging and dropping data layers from Windows Explorer and ArcCatalog onto the MapControl and PageLayoutControl, when object linking and embedding (OLE) drop functionality has been implemented. For more information, see How to drop data onto the MapControl.
At 9.3, the All Types panel has been removed. If this functionality is still needed, create the following registry key:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ESRI\Controls\Commands\Generic\AddData\ShowAllTypesInDesktopApps. 
If this key exists, the Engine Add Data dialog box shows the All Types panel in desktop applications.

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Engine Developer Kit Engine
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced