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Sample: LogoMarkerSymbol (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)


This example provides a custom symbol which draws a company logo to symbolize a point. Simple custom functionality is provided to alter the colors of the different parts of the symbol, and a property page is also provided to allow end users to edit the properties of the symbol.

How to use

If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. Register LogoMarkerSymbolVB.dll or LogoMarkerSymbolVC.dll.
  2. Open ArcMap, and add a layer with point features, or a marker graphic element.
  3. For a layer, right-click the layer in the ArcMap table of contents, choose Properties, and then in the Layer Properties dialog box, choose the Symbology tab. The Single Symbol renderer should be selected by default—click the Symbol button to show the Symbol Selector.
  4. For a marker element, right-click the element, and choose Properties. In the Properties dialog box, make sure the Symbol tab is selected, and click the Change Symbol button.
  5. In the Symbol Selector dialog box, click the Properties button to display the Symbol Editor.
  6. In the Symbol Editor dialog box, pull down the Type list box and choose Logo Marker Symbol.
  7. You can now set the properties of a LogoMarkerSymbol. Click OK to select the symbol and return to the Symbol Selector.
bmp_butt.bmp Bitmap for the ColorButton control.
LogoMarkerPropertyPage.cpp Implementation of the property page for the LogoMarkerSymbol.
LogoMarkerPropertyPage.h Header file of the property page for the LogoMarkerSymbol.
LogoMarkerPropertyPage.rgs ATL registration script for the property page.
LogoMarkerSymbol.cpp Implementation of the LogoMarkerSymbol.
LogoMarkerSymbol.h Header file for the LogoMarkerSymbol.
LogoMarkerSymbol.rgs ATL registration script for the LogoMarkerSymbol.
LogoMarkerSymbolVC.cpp Implementation of the C++ project.
LogoMarkerSymbolVC.h Header file for the project.
LogoMarkerSymbolVC.idl Interface Definition Language file for the custom interface, ILogoMarkerSymbol, implemented by the LogoMarkerSymbol coclass.
LogoMarkerSymbolVC.rc Resource file for the project.
resource.h Resoure definitions file.
StdAfx.cpp Standard precompiled implementation file.
StdAfx.h Standard precompiled header file.
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