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Sample: OGIS OLE DB Provider (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

OGIS OLE DB Provider

This example demonstrates how to create a read-only OLE DB provider which meets all the requirements for ArcGIS, that is it can identify, query, and retrieve spatial data. This sample provider can read data from an ArcGIS personal geodatabase or Microsoft® Access .mdb file using standard ArcObjects.
The Sample Provider is compliant with the OpenGIS (OGIS) OLE-COM Simple Features Specification. This means that the provider is spatially enabled, i.e., it can discover, query and retrieve spatial features. You can find complete details of the Microsoft OLE DB provider technology and of the OGIS specification at and, respectively.

How to use

If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. Open and build the solution to compile and register the DLL (you may have to modify the path to the ESRI type libraries to correspond to your ArcGIS install directory).
  2. Make an OLE DB connection from ArcGIS using the SampleProvider. Double click on the Add OLE DB connection object in either ArcCatalog (TOC panel) or ArcMap (Add Data dialog). This will call the Data Link Properties dialog - on the Provider tab select the 'SampleProv OLE DB Provider'.
  3. Click on 'Next >>' to bring up the 'Connection' tab and enter the path to and name of a personal geodatabase or Microsoft® Access .mdb file in the Data Source field. Click on 'Next >>' to move to the 'Advanced' tab and click on 'OK'. A new OLE DB connection should appear in the TOC panel or Add Data Dialog.
  4. Test the provider by browsing the data.
Stdafx.h Precompiled header file which imports ArcGIS object libraries.
OleDBgis.h Header file which contains the GUIDs and constants that are required by the OpenGIS Simple Features for OLE-COM Specification.
SampleProvDS.h Header file which implements the data source object.
SampleProvRS.h Header file which implements the command and rowset objects.
SampleProvRS.cpp Implementation file for command object.
SampleProvSess.h Header file which implements the standard schema rowsets and three OGIS schema rowsets.
ESRIUtil.h Header file which returns the spatial reference and the geometry/ObjectID column names for the data set.
SampleProvider.cpp Implementation file for DLL Exports.
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