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How to perform surface analysis on a terrain dataset (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

How to perform surface analysis on a terrain dataset

Performing surface analysis on a terrain dataset

The following code example shows how to get a dynamic surface object from a terrain and use it for surface analysis:
  1. Have the terrain create a DynamicSurface. See the following code example:
// Surface analysis on a terrain is performed via a dynamic surface.
// Obtain a dynamic surface using the ITerrain interface.
IDynamicSurface DynSurf=Terrain.CreateDynamicSurface();
' Surface analysis on a terrain is performed via a dynamic surface.
' Obtain a dynamic surface using the ITerrain interface.
Dim DynSurf As IDynamicSurface=Terrain.CreateDynamicSurface()
  1. Extract a derivative surface from the DynamicSurface, either a triangulated irregular network (TIN) or raster, and perform the analysis on that surface. See the following code example:
// In ArcGIS 9.2 and 9.3, you can perform TIN extraction and rasterization via
// the IDynamicSurface interface. Analysis is then performed on these
// derived datasets. TINs typically have to be subsets because they 
// can't get too large (for example, a few million points). Rasterization can 
// be performed on the terrain's full extent if desired.
ITin Tin;
IEnvelope Env=new EnvelopeClass();
Env.Expand(0.1, 0.1, true);
Tin=DynSurf.GetTin(Env, 10.0, false, null);
' In ArcGIS 9.2 and 9.3, you can perform TIN extraction and rasterization via
' the IDynamicSurface interface. Analysis is then performed on these
' derived datasets. TINs typically have to be subsets because they
' can't get too large (for example, a few million points). Rasterization can
' be performed on the terrain's full extent if desired.
Dim Tin As ITin
Dim Env As IEnvelope=New EnvelopeClass()
Env.Expand(0.1, 0.1, True)
Tin=DynSurf.GetTin(Env, 0R, False, Nothing)
  1. In the current release, perform analysis directly on the DynamicSurface. See the following code example:
// In current versions of ArcGIS, you can do more directly on the dynamic surface without
// the need for extracting a TIN or raster.
// Here, you interpolate a point directly on the terrain's dynamic surface.
IDynamicSurface3 DynSurf3=DynSurf as IDynamicSurface3;
IPoint InPoint=new PointClass();
InPoint.X=Env.XMin + (Env.XMax - Env.XMin);
InPoint.Y=Env.YMin + (Env.YMax - Env.YMin);
IGeometry OutPoint;
object Missing=Type.Missing;
DynSurf3.InterpolateShape(InPoint, 0.0,
    esriSurfaceInterpolationType.esriLinearInterpolation, null, out OutPoint, ref

// If the same thing needed to be done with multiple shapes, it would be
// more efficienet to call IDynamicSurface3.InterpolateFeatureClass.
DynSurf3.InterpolateFeatureClass(InFeatureClass, null, 0.0,
    esriSurfaceInterpolationType.esriLinearInterpolation, OutFeatureClass, null, ref
' In current versions of ArcGIS, you can do more directly on the dynamic surface without
' the need for extracting a TIN or raster.
' Here, you interpolate a point directly on the terrain's dynamic surface.
Dim DynSurf3 As IDynamicSurface3=TryCast(DynSurf, IDynamicSurface3)
Dim InPoint As IPoint=New PointClass()
InPoint.X=Env.XMin + (Env.XMax - Env.XMin)
InPoint.Y=Env.YMin + (Env.YMax - Env.YMin)
Dim OutPoint As IGeometry
Dim Missing As Object=Type.Missing
DynSurf3.InterpolateShape(InPoint, 0R, esriSurfaceInterpolationType.esriLinearInterpolation, Nothing, OutPoint, Missing)

' If the same thing needed to be done with multiple shapes, it would be
' more efficienet to call IDynamicSurface3.InterpolateFeatureClass.
DynSurf3.InterpolateFeatureClass(InFeatureClass, Nothing, 0R, esriSurfaceInterpolationType.esriLinearInterpolation, OutFeatureClass, Nothing, _

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
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