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IARGlobeControl.EnableFileDrop Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

IARGlobeControl.EnableFileDrop Property

Indicates whether Published Map Files can be dropped onto the control.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property EnableFileDrop As Boolean
public bool EnableFileDrop {get; set;}

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Publisher Extension.


Indicates if the ArcReaderGlobeControl will load Published Map Files (*.pmf) by the user interactively dropping files onto the ArcReaderGlobeControl from other applications such as ArcCatalog or Windows Explorer. The ArcReaderGlobeControl itself will determine if the file that has been dropped is a PMF document that can be loaded into the ArcReaderGlobeControl.

By default dragging a file over the ArcReaderGlobeControl will cause the mouse cursor to change to an �add data� cursor. Setting the EnableFileDrop property to False, will cause the mouse cursor to change to a �no entry� cursor when files are dragged over the ArcReaderGlobeControl.

If a document is successfully loaded the CurrentARGlobeTool will be set. The default CurrentARGlobeTool is specified by the �DefaultGlobeTool� setting in the ARConfiguration. The DocumentFilename property will update itself with the path and filename of the currently loaded document, and the DocumentComment property to update itself with any comments that were supplied by the publisher of the document. 

See Also

IARGlobeControl Interface