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IARLayer.IsGroupLayer Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

IARLayer.IsGroupLayer Property

Indicates if the layer is a group of layers behaving like a single layer.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public ReadOnly Property IsGroupLayer As Boolean
public bool IsGroupLayer {get;}

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Publisher Extension.


The IsGroupLayer property indicates whether the layer is made up of a collection of layers that behave like a single layer.

At the time of publishing a document, several layers may have been gathered together into a group layer, which behaves like a single layer. Suppose you have two layers on a map, with one representing rivers and the other lakes. You might choose to group these layers together and name the resulting layer �water systems�. Using the Visible property to turn off the group layer would turn off all component child layers. As such, the properties of the group layer override any conflicting properties of its child layers. To work with an individual child layer within the group use the ChildARLayer in conjunction with the ARLayerCount property.

See Also

IARLayer Interface | IARLayer.ARLayerCount Property | IARLayer.ChildARLayer Property