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ArcObjects namespaces > Location > ESRI.ArcGIS.Location > Interfaces > IA > IAttachedLocator Interface > IAttachedLocator.Locator Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK) |
Locator used to create the feature class.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public ReadOnly Property Locator As ILocator
[C#] public ILocator Locator {get;}
HRESULT get_Locator(
ILocator** Locator
Parameters Locator [out, retval]
Locator is a parameter of type ILocator
The Locator property returns a copy of the locator, including runtime geocoding options, that was used to create the geocoded feature class.
IAttachedLocator Interface | LocatorManager Class | IAttachedLocator Interface | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorManager Interface | ILocatorManager2 Interface | ILocatorManager Interface | ILocatorManager2 Interface | IAttachedLocator Interface | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorManager Interface | ILocatorManager2 Interface | IAttachedLocator Interface | ILocatorManager.HasLocatorAttached Method | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorManager.GetLocatorFromDataset Method