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ICadastralAdjustment Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoSurvey)  

ICadastralAdjustment Interface

Provides access to ICadastralAdjustment Interface

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Method AcceptAdjustment Accept and apply results of adjustment.
Read/write property BearingTolerance Packet bearing tolerance.
Read/write property ClosePointsTolerance Packet close points tolerance.
Read/write property DistanceTolerance Packet distance tolerance.
Read/write property ForceLinePoints Indicates whether to force line points onto the lines during the adjustment.
Read/write property ForceLinePointsTolerance Indicates the Force Line Points tolerance.
Read/write property ForceStraights Indicates whether to Force straights.
Read/write property ForceStraightsAngleTolerance Force straights Angle tolerance.
Read/write property ForceStraightsTolerance Indicates the Force straights tolerance.
Read/write property IncludeEasements Indicates whether to include Esaements in the Adjustment.
Read/write property LinePointsTolerance Packet line points tolerance.
Write-only property ListingCompanyName Changes the company name used for the adjustment listing.
Read/write property ListingDetailLevel The level of detail in the adjustment listing.
Write-only property ListingLinesPerPage The number of lines on each page in the adjustment listing.
Read-only property ListingParcelId Find parcel id associated with this listing line.
Method PerformAdjustment Perform the Adjustment on the packet.
Method RejectAdjustment Reject results of adjustment.

CoClasses that implement ICadastralAdjustment

CoClasses and Classes Description
CadastralPacket CadastralPacket extras Class