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ICadastralEditorPages Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (CadastralUI)  

ICadastralEditorPages Interface

Provides access to CadastralEditorPages Interface.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Method AddPages Add Property Page to the Cadastral Editor Dockable window.
Method ClearPages Clear the Parcel Object set in Editor Pages.
Method OnApply Apply the Edited values.
Method ReinitializeTabs Redraws tabs, show tabs that apply to the current context.
Method SelectPage Selects a tab in the window.
Method SetObject Object for Editing.

CoClasses that implement ICadastralEditorPages

CoClasses and Classes Description
PropertiesDockableWindow Parcel Properties Dockable Window.