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ICompositeGeoTransformation Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

ICompositeGeoTransformation Interface

Provides access to members that control a set of geographic transformations.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Sometimes it is necessary to transform between two geographic coordinate systems where a direct transformation does not exist. A composite geotransformation allows you to create a 'chain' of existing or custom transformations. Each transformation in the set must have its direction set properly.


Method Add Adds a geographic transformation to the list.
Read-only property Count The number of geographic transformations in the list.
Read-only property GeoTransformation A geographic transformation from the list.
Method GetSpatialReferences Returns the from and to spatial references for the transformation.
Read/write property Name The name of the geographic transformation.
Method PutSpatialReferences Sets the from and to spatial references for the transformation.
Method SetEmpty Clears the list of geographic transformations from the object.
Read-only property TransformationDirection The direction (forward/reverse) of a geographic transformation.
Method TransformMeasuresFF Transforms floating point measures to floating point measures (or do the inverse).
Method TransformMeasuresFI Transforms floating point measures to integer measures (or do the inverse).
Method TransformMeasuresIF Transforms integer measures to floating point measures (or do the inverse).
Method TransformMeasuresII Transforms integer measures to integer measures (or do the inverse).
Method TransformPointsFF Transforms floating point points to floating point points (or do the inverse).
Method TransformPointsFI Transforms floating point points to integer points (or do the inverse).
Method TransformPointsIF Transforms integer points to floating point points (or do the inverse).
Method TransformPointsII Transforms integer points to integer points (or do the inverse).

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IGeoTransformation Provides access to members that define a geographic (datum) transformation.
ITransformation Provides access to members that apply a function (or its inverse) to a set of points or measures. The suffix of each method indicates the type of parameters operated on.

CoClasses that implement ICompositeGeoTransformation

CoClasses and Classes Description
CompositeGeoTransformation Performs a sequence of geographic transformations.


Of the ITransformation interface, only the TransformPointsFF method is implemented.