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IConversionNotation Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

IConversionNotation Interface

Provides access to functions that convert to and from various geographic string notations.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IConversionNotation contains methods for converting both projected and geographic (lat/lon) coordinates to and from various string notations. The notations include United States National Grid (USNG), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), GEOREF, and GARS. It's also possible to use decimal degrees, degrees decimal minutes, and degrees minutes seconds.


Method CreateMGRS Returns the MGRS/USNG description of a point.
Method GetDDFromCoords Returns the decimal degrees description of a point.
Method GetDDMFromCoords Returns the degrees decimal minutes description of a point.
Method GetDMSFromCoords Returns the degrees/minutes/seconds description of a point.
Method GetGARSFromCoords Returns the GARS description of a point.
Method GetGeoRefFromCoords Returns the GeoRef description of a point.
Method GetUSNGFromCoords Returns the USNG description of a point.
Method GetUTMFromCoords Returns the UTM description of a point.
Method PutCoordsFromDD Creates the coordinates of a point from the decimal degrees description.
Method PutCoordsFromDDM Creates the coordinates of a point from the degrees decimal minutes description.
Method PutCoordsFromDMS Creates the coordinates of a point from the degrees/minutes/seconds description.
Method PutCoordsFromGARS Creates the coordinates of a point from the GARS description.
Method PutCoordsFromGeoRef Creates the coordinates of a point from the GeoRef description.
Method PutCoordsFromMGRS Creates the coordinates of a point from the MGRS/USNG description.
Method PutCoordsFromUSNG Creates the coordinates of a point from the USNG description.
Method PutCoordsFromUTM Creates the coordinates of a point from the UTM description.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IConversionMGRS Provides access to members that allow the use of MGRS.

CoClasses that implement IConversionNotation

CoClasses and Classes Description
Point A two dimensional point, optionally with measure, height, and ID attributes.