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IConversionOp.ToRasterDataset Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoAnalyst)  

IConversionOp.ToRasterDataset Method

Convert to a RasterDataset.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function ToRasterDataset ( _
    ByVal dataset As IGeoDataset, _
    ByVal rasterFormat As String, _
    ByVal pWorkspace As IWorkspace, _
    ByVal name As String _
) As IRasterDataset
public IRasterDataset ToRasterDataset (
    IGeoDataset dataset,
    string rasterFormat,
    IWorkspace pWorkspace,
    string name
HRESULT ToRasterDataset(
  IGeoDataset* dataset,
  BSTR rasterFormat,
  IWorkspace* pWorkspace,
  BSTR name,
  IRasterDataset** rasterDataset

Parameters dataset [in]
dataset is a parameter of type IGeoDataset rasterFormat [in] rasterFormat is a parameter of type BSTR pWorkspace [in]
pWorkspace is a parameter of type IWorkspace name [in] name is a parameter of type BSTR rasterDataset [out, retval]
rasterDataset is a parameter of type IRasterDataset

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.



Input featureclass, featureclassdescriptor, featurelayer to be converted to raster


ESRI GRID, ERDAS Imagine, Personal Geodatabase, TIFF, and File Geodatabase, raster are supported formats.

The format strings for rasterformat parameter are case sensitive and are as follows,

  • �GRID� - creates an output ESRI GRID with no file extension
  • "TIFF" - creates a TIFF file with ".tif" extension. ArcGIS also supports TIFF format with ".tiff" and ".tff" extensions. A format string "TIF" creates a TIFF file with ".tiff" extention and a format string "TFF" creates a TIFF file with ".tff" extension
  • �IMAGINE Image� - creates a raster output with �.img� file extension and also supports personal geodatabase raster
  • "FGDB" - creates a file geodatabase raster


an object specifying the directory or subdirectory to contain the output rasterdataset


The name of the output raster dataset

See Also

IConversionOp Interface

.NET Snippets

Create Grid From Feature Class