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IDisplayTable.SearchDisplayTable Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IDisplayTable.SearchDisplayTable Method

Creates a cursor from the display table based upon the search criteria.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function SearchDisplayTable ( _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal recycling As Boolean _
) As ICursor
public ICursor SearchDisplayTable (
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    bool recycling
HRESULT SearchDisplayTable(
  IQueryFilter* pQueryFilter,
  VARIANT_BOOL recycling,
  ICursor** ppCursor

Parameters pQueryFilter [in]
pQueryFilter is a parameter of type IQueryFilter recycling [in] recycling is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL ppCursor [out, retval]
ppCursor is a parameter of type ICursor

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.



QueryFilter specifies an IQueryFilterObject to be used for the search.

Recycling specifies whether the resulting cursor is recycling or non-recycling. Use True for recycling cursor and False for a non-recycling cursor.



If there is a definition query set on the layer or table, the SearchDisplayTable method will work on the subset of rows that meet the definition criteria. Otherwise, it will search the whole table.

SearchDisplayTable will return an ICursor with all of the rows that satisfy some attribute and/or spatial query as specified by an IQueryFilter object. If Nothing is given as the IQueryFilter, then the cursor will have all of the rows from the table.

This SearchDisplayTable method will also work on joined fields if you qualify the field names. For example, if you want to search a field called "Pop1990" from a joined table called "Demog", you should used "Demog.Pop1990" for the field name in the query filter used in the search method.

The Recycling parameter controls row object allocation behavior. Recycling cursors rehydrate a single row object on each fetch and can be used to optimize read-only access, for example, when drawing. It is illegal to maintain a reference on a row object returned by a recycling cursor across multiple calls to NextRow on the cursor. Row objects returned by a recycling cursor should not be modified.

Non-recycling cursors return a separate row object on each fetch. The objects returned by a non-recycling cursor may be modified and stored with polymorphic behavior. The geodatabase guarantees 'unique instance semantics' on non-recycling feature objects fetched during an edit session.

Recycling cursors should be used only for drawing and read-only access to object state. Use non-recycling search cursors to fetch objects that are to be updated.

See Also

IDisplayTable Interface

.NET Samples

ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application (Code Files: frmLoadLocations)

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Defining a renderer for a layer