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IEditEvents.OnCreateFeature Event (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Editor)  

IEditEvents.OnCreateFeature Event

Called when new features are created.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Event OnCreateFeature As OnCreateFeatureEventHandler
public event OnCreateFeatureEventHandler OnCreateFeature

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Whenever a new feature is created the OnCreateFeature event is fired. The new feature is passed to all listening clients via the IObject parameter.
[Visual Basic .NET]
'Cannot use WithEvents because the outbound interface is not the default interface
Private m_editEvents As IEditEvents_Event
Private m_editor As IEditor
'Declare the delegate
Private dCreateFeature As IEditEvents_OnCreateFeatureEventHandler

Public Sub Events()
Dim editorUID As New UID
Dim m_editor As IEditor
'Get a reference to application thru hook parameter of OnCreate.
'Create an instance of the delegate, add it to CreateFeature Event
  dCreateFeature=New IEditEvents_OnCreateFeatureEventHandler _
(AddressOf OnCreateFeature)
AddHandler m_editEvents.OnCreateFeature, dCreateFeature
End Sub
 'Event handler must have the same signature as the event delegate.
Private Sub OnCreateFeature(ByVal obj As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IObject)
'Do Something in responce to the event.
End Sub
Set the event object variable to nothing when the class is destructed to avoid circular reference problems.
RemoveHandler m_editEvents.OnCreateFeature, dCreateFeature
End Sub

See Also

IEditEvents Interface