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IEnumGeometryBind Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IEnumGeometryBind Interface

Provides access to members that bind a feature cursor or a selection to a geometry enumerator.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This interface allows a newly-instantiated EnumFeatureGeometry object to be bound to either a feature class or a selection set. The object can then be cast to the IEnumGeometry interface and the geometries can be iterated through. This is effectively a shortcut to use instead of creating a search cursor on the feature class or selection set and retrieving geometries from the features returned.


Method BindGeometrySource Bind the source of the geometry to the enumeration.
Read-only property GeometrySource The geometry source - either a feature class or a selection set.
Read-only property OutputFilter The query filter that was used to bind the geometry source.

CoClasses that implement IEnumGeometryBind

CoClasses and Classes Description
EnumFeatureGeometry Esri enumerator for geometries of a feature class or selection set.

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