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IFrameXform.PutDistortionTable Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IFrameXform.PutDistortionTable Method

The distortion tables to calculate Konrady coefficients and residuals.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub PutDistortionTable ( _
    ByVal pDistanceInMillimeters As IDoubleArray, _
    ByVal pDistortionInMicrons As IDoubleArray _
public void PutDistortionTable (
    IDoubleArray pDistanceInMillimeters,
    IDoubleArray pDistortionInMicrons
HRESULT PutDistortionTable(
  IDoubleArray* pDistanceInMillimeters,
  IDoubleArray* pDistortionInMicrons

Parameters pDistanceInMillimeters [in]
pDistanceInMillimeters is a parameter of type IDoubleArray pDistortionInMicrons [in]
pDistortionInMicrons is a parameter of type IDoubleArray

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


An alternative to put_KonradyParameters, this method allows the use of the distortion tables contained in the camera calibration report to calculate the Konrady coefficients.  It is critical to ensure that the units are correct for the two arrays that are passed in.  The first array is the radial distance in mm, while the second array is the distortion errors in microns.  Either ESRI or USGS conventions can be used to calculate the coefficients.  See the ESRIRasterKonradyType enumeration for more details.

See Also

IFrameXform Interface