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IGxGDSConnection Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

IGxGDSConnection Interface

Provides access to members of GxObject that connects to a GeoData Server.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Method AttachGeoDatabase Attaches a Geodatabase.
Method Connect Connects to a GIS Data server.
Method CreateGeoDatabase Creates a new Geodatabase.
Read-only property DataServerManager The Data Server Manager object.
Method Disconnect Disconnects from a GIS Data server.
Read-only property IsAdministrator Indicates whether the connected user is an administrator or not.
Read-only property IsConnected Indicates whether the GIS Data server connection has been made.
Method Pause Pauses a Database server.
Method RestoreGeodatabase Restores a backup to the specified Geodatabase.
Method Resume Resumes a Database server.
Read-only property ServerName The server name.
Method Start Starts a Database server.
Method Stop Stops a Database server.

CoClasses that implement IGxGDSConnection

CoClasses and Classes Description
GxDataServer The one and only Data Server object.