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IGxObjectFactoryFileExtensions Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

IGxObjectFactoryFileExtensions Interface

Provides access to a set of extensions handled by the factory.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Read-only property ActivationExtensions The minimal set of file extensions which should cause the factory to be activated.
Read-only property RelevantExtensions The complete set of file extensions relevant to the factory.

CoClasses that implement IGxObjectFactoryFileExtensions

CoClasses and Classes Description
GxAGSConnectionFactory Esri GxAGSConnection object factory.
GxCadFactory Gx Cad Feature Class and Drawing object factory.
GxCoverageFactory Gx Coverage, Feature Class and INFO Table object factory.
GxDatabaseFactory Esri GxDatabase object factory.
GxDataGraphFactory Data graph GxObject factory.
GxExcelFactory Esri GxExcel object factory.
GxFeatureDefinitionPackageFactory Esri GxFeatureDefinitionPackage object factory.
GxFileFactory Esri GxFile object factory.
GxGeoprocessingFileFactory GX Geoprocessing File object factory.
GxGeoprocessingResultFactory Esri GxGeoprocessingResult object factory.
GxIMSConnectionFactory Esri GxIMSConnection object factory.
GxLayerFactory Esri GxLayer object factory.
GxLocatorFactory (esriLocationUI) A class that generates locator GxObjects for ArcCatalog.
GxMapFactory Esri GxMap object factory.
GxMetadataFactory A factory for creating GxMetadata objects to show XML files in the Catalog.
GxMSDFileFactory (esriCatalogUI) Gx Object Factory for MapServerDefinitionFile Datasets.
GxPackageFactory Layer or Map Package object factory.
GxPCCoverageFactory Esri GxPCCoverage object factory.
GxPre70CoverageFactory Esri GxPre70Coverage object factory.
GxPrjFileFactory Esri GxPrjFile object factory.
GxRasterFileSystemFactory Gx Raster File System object factory.
GxReportFactory Report object factory.
GxSDCFactory Gx SDC object factory.
GxShapefileFactory Gx Object Factory for Shapefile Feature Classes and DBase Tables.
GxShortcutFactory Esri GxShortcut object factory. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
GxSpatialWeightsMatrixFileFactory Spatial weights matrix file object factory.
GxStreetMapFactory Gx StreetMap object factory.
GxTextFileFactory Esri GxTextFile object factory.
GxToolboxFactory GX Toolbox object factory.
GxVpfFactory Gx VPF Feature Datasets and Table object factory.