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ILasFile Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

ILasFile Interface

Provides access to members of LasFile.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method EstimatePointCount Estimate point count.
Method EstimatePointSpacing Estimate point spacing.
Read-only property Extent The XYZ extent of points in the LAS file.
Method GetHeaderInfo Get LAS file header information.
Method GetNumberOfPointsByReturn The number of points in the LAS file based on the specified LiDAR return number.
Method GetStatistics Get statistics.
Method GetVersion The version of the LAS file.
Read-only property HasGpsTime Indicates GPS time is available.
Read-only property HasPrjFile Indicates if there is a corresponding PRJ file.
Read-only property HasRGB Indicates if RGB is availabe.
Read-only property HasStatistics Indicates if statistics is available.
Read-only property IsFileMissing Indicates if the LAS file is missing.
Read-only property IsFileValid Indicates if the LAS file exists and is valid.
Read-only property IsStandardGpsTime Indicates if the GPS time is standard GPS Time.
Read-only property Name The (full) file name.
Read-only property NativeSpatialReference The spatial reference defined in the LAS file header.
Read-only property NeedsUpdateStatistics Indicates if update is necessary.
Read-only property NumberOfPointRecords The number of points in the LAS file.
Read-only property PointDataFormat The record format for points in the LAS file
Read-only property SizeInBytes The LAS/zLAS file's size in bytes.
Read-only property SpatialReference The spatial reference of the LAS file.

CoClasses that implement ILasFile

CoClasses and Classes Description
LasFile Esri LasFile object.