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INADirectionsWindowManager Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalystUI)  

INADirectionsWindowManager Interface

Provides access to INADirectionsWindowManager interface.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


Read-only property ActiveDirectionsNAContext Retieves context of active NA layer.
Read-only property CanShowDirections Indicates whether it is ever possible to show directions for the analysis.
Read-only property DirectionsWindow Retrieves the Directions Window.
Method HideDirections Hides the Directions Window.
Read-only property IsResult Indicates whether the analysis has valid results for directions.
Read-only property IsWindowVisible Indicates if the Directions Window is visible.
Method ShowActiveDirections Shows directions for active NA layer.
Method UpdateDirections Updates directions, existing in the Window.

CoClasses that implement INADirectionsWindowManager

CoClasses and Classes Description
NADirectionsWindowManager Network Analyst Directions Window Manager Class.


This interface provides access to the NADirectionsWindow.