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INATraversalResultQuery.FeatureClass Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INATraversalResultQuery.FeatureClass Property

The feature class by element type.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function get_FeatureClass ( _
    ByVal networkElementType As esriNetworkElementType _
) As IFeatureClass
public IFeatureClass get_FeatureClass (
    esriNetworkElementType networkElementType
HRESULT get_FeatureClass(
  esriNetworkElementType networkElementType,
  IFeatureClass** FeatureClass

Parameters networkElementType [in]
networkElementType is a parameter of type esriNetworkElementType FeatureClass [out, retval]
FeatureClass is a parameter of type IFeatureClass

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


Use the FeatureClass property to return a feature class holding all of the NATraversalResultElements of a specific type (esriNETJunction, esriNETEdge, esriNETTurn).

This feature class can be accessed like any other feature class in ArcGIS.


This C# example shows how you can add a feature class returned by the FeatureClass property on INATraversalResultQuery to a map.

public void AddNATraversalResultToMap(INALayer naLayer, IMap map)
  INATraversalResultQuery traversalResultQuery=naLayer.Context.Result;
  INATraversalResultEdit naTraversalResultEdit=traversalResultQuery as INATraversalResultEdit;

  // Infer Geometry
  naTraversalResultEdit.InferGeometry(string.Empty, null, new CancelTrackerClass());

  // Get the Edges and add as a layer
  IFeatureLayer featureLayer=new FeatureLayerClass();

  // Get the Junctions and add as a layer
  featureLayer=new FeatureLayerClass();
[Visual Basic .NET]

This VB.NET example shows how you can add a feature class returned by the FeatureClass property on INATraversalResultQuery to a map.

Public Sub AddNATraversalResultToMap(ByVal naLayer As INALayer, ByVal map As IMap)
  Dim traversalResultQuery As INATraversalResultQuery=naLayer.Context.Result
  Dim naTraversalResultEdit As INATraversalResultEdit=traversalResultQuery

  ' Infer Geometry
  naTraversalResultEdit.InferGeometry(String.Empty, Nothing, New CancelTracker())

  ' Get the Edges and add as a layer
  Dim featureLayer As IFeatureLayer=New FeatureLayer()

  ' Get the Junctions and add as a layer
  featureLayer=New FeatureLayer()
End Sub

See Also

INATraversalResultQuery Interface

.NET Samples

Add a traversal result to the map (Code Files: AddTraversalResultsToMap)