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INetworkAnalysisExtBarriers Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (EditorExt)  

INetworkAnalysisExtBarriers Interface

Provides access to members that manage barriers in the Network Analysis extension.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

When To Use

Use the INetworkAnalysisExtBarriers interface to manage the barriers on the current network. Using this interface, you can add and return edge and junction barriers, enable and disable feature layers, and create NetElementBarriers and SelectionSetBarriers objects to pass to a TraceFlowSolver object for performing a trace task.


Method AddEdgeBarrier Adds an edge barrier to the current network.
Method AddJunctionBarrier Adds a junction barrier to the current network.
Method ClearBarriers Removes all barriers from the current network.
Method CreateElementBarriers Returns a NetElementBarriers object corresponding to the barriers added to the current network.
Method CreateSelectionBarriers Returns a SelectionSetBarriers object corresponding to the currently selected features in the current network and the SelectionSemantics property.
Read-only property EdgeBarrier Edge barrier on the current network by index.
Read-only property EdgeBarrierCount Number of edge barriers on the current network.
Method GetDisabledLayer Gets the disabled state for the specified feature layer.
Read-only property JunctionBarrier Junction barrier on the current network by index.
Read-only property JunctionBarrierCount Number of junction barriers on the current network.
Read/write property SelectionSemantics Indicates if trace tasks are performed on selected features, unselected features, or all features.
Method SetDisabledLayer Sets the disabled state for the specified feature layer.

CoClasses that implement INetworkAnalysisExtBarriers

CoClasses and Classes Description
UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt A container for defining the Utility Network Analysis extension and describing its current state.

See Also

INetElementBarriers Interface | NetElementBarriers Class

.NET Samples

Custom upstream trace task (Code Files: CustomUpstreamTraceTaskVBNet)