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INetworkForwardStarSetup.NonTraversableElements Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

INetworkForwardStarSetup.NonTraversableElements Property

The collection of network elements of the given type that are set to not traversable.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function get_NonTraversableElements ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriNetworkElementType, _
    ByVal Direction As esriNetworkEdgeDirection _
) As IEnumNetworkElement
public IEnumNetworkElement get_NonTraversableElements (
    esriNetworkElementType ElementType,
    esriNetworkEdgeDirection Direction
HRESULT get_NonTraversableElements(
  esriNetworkElementType ElementType,
  esriNetworkEdgeDirection Direction,
  IEnumNetworkElement** EnumNetworkElement

Parameters ElementType [in]
ElementType is a parameter of type esriNetworkElementType Direction [in]
Direction is a parameter of type esriNetworkEdgeDirection EnumNetworkElement [out, retval]
EnumNetworkElement is a parameter of type IEnumNetworkElement

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The NonTraversable property returns an EnumNetworkElement object containing all network elements that have their Traversable value set to False.

The EnumNetworkElement enumeration object returned is recycling.  For enumerations with more than one network element returned, this means that the network element object returned by the first call to Next is expected to be reused in subsequent calls to Next.

See Also

INetworkForwardStarSetup Interface