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INetworkRendererPropertyPage Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (CartoUI)  

INetworkRendererPropertyPage Interface

Provides access to members that control the NetworkRendererPropertyPage.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Read-only property AppliesTo Indicates if the property page is applicable to the specified renderer type.
Method CanEdit Indicates if the network renderer can be edited by the property page.
Read-only property Category Category for the renderer property page.
Read-only property ClassID Property page class id (unique identifier object).
Read-only property Description Description of the renderer.
Read-only property Name Renderer name for the specified renderer type.
Read-only property PreviewImage Preview bitmap for the renderer that appears on the page.
Read-only property RendererClassID Renderer class id (unique identifier object).

CoClasses that implement INetworkRendererPropertyPage

CoClasses and Classes Description
NetworkDirtyAreaRendererPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of the NetworkDirtyAreaRenderer object.
NetworkTrafficRendererPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of the NetworkTrafficRenderer object.
SimpleNetworkRendererPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of the SimpleNetworkRenderer object.