// This sample should be added to ArcCatalog
// Set up the IObjectLoaderUI and IObjectLoaderUIProperties objects
// IObjectLoaderUI.Application and IObjectLoaderUIProperties.TargetTable
// are the minumum required to bring up the UI. Other methods are// optional.
private void ObjectLoaderUIExample(){
IObjectLoaderUI objectLoaderUI=new ObjectLoaderUI();
IObjectLoaderUIProperties objectLoaderUIProperties=objectLoaderUI as IObjectLoaderUIProperties;
// Get the applicaion information and the name
// of the selected table or featureclass.
IGxApplication arcCatalog=m_application as IGxApplication;
IGxObject selectedObject=arcCatalog.SelectedObject;
IName name=selectedObject.InternalObjectName;
// If the type of the object is correct, execute the required
// methods and bring up the ObjectLoader UI. if(name is IDatasetName)
{ IDatasetName datasetName=name as IDatasetName;
esriDatasetType datasetType=datasetName.Type;
if(datasetType == esriDatasetType.esriDTTable || datasetType == esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass)
objectLoaderUIProperties.TargetTable=name.Open() as ITable;
objectLoaderUI.Show(true, true, 0);