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IPointSnapper Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IPointSnapper Interface

IPointSnapper Interface

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


Method CacheShapes Adds a shape to the snapping cache. Use the returned token to remove the shape from the cache.
Method ClearCache Clears the underlying snapping cache.
Read-only property ExcludedLayers Returns a reference to the set of layers that will be excluded in snapping.
Method FullSnap Fully attempts to snap the specified point without regard to time. Use Snap for tool snapping.
Method RemoveCachedShapes Remove the shape from the cache. The token is acquired by calling CacheShape.
Method Snap Attempts to snap the specified point. This is used for tool snapping.
Read/write property TangentInputPoint Sets the input point used for calculating tangent points along curves.
Method UpdateCachedShapes Updates the shapes in the cache for the given token. The token is acquired by calling CacheShape.

.NET Samples

Angle Angle shape constructor (Code Files: AngleAngleCstr)

.NET Related Topics

Working with the ArcGIS snapping environment