Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon interface. Note: the IPolygon2 interface has been superseded byIPolygon4. Please consider using the more recent version.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
Populates an array with polygons that represent connected components of the original. The rings of the output polygons are references to rings in the original.
Populates an array with polygons that represent outermost components of the original and all components within (islands within lakes). The rings of the output polygons are references to rings in the original.
Populates an array with references to all exterior rings. This method does not marshall correctly out-of-proc. Use QueryExteriorRingsEx on the IPolygon2 interface instead.
Populates an array with references to rings that are interior to the specified exterior ring. This method does not marshall correctly out-of-proc. Use QueryInteriorRingsEx on the IPolygon2 interface instead.