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IReplicaSchemaExportUI Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseDistributedUI)  

IReplicaSchemaExportUI Interface

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Read/write property ExportSchemaType
Read/write property OutputFileName
Read/write property OverwriteFileIfExists Indicates whether to over-write an existing output xml file or not.
Read/write property ReplicaName The name of the replica.
Read/write property SchemaDestinationName The Name object of the replica geodatabase.
Read/write property SchemaSourceFileName The path of the replica xml schema file.
Read/write property SchemaSourceName The Name object of the replica geodatabase.

CoClasses that implement IReplicaSchemaExportUI

CoClasses and Classes Description