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IRouteLocatorOperations.LocatePolygonFeatures Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Location)  

IRouteLocatorOperations.LocatePolygonFeatures Method

Locate polygon features along routes and write the result in an object class.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function LocatePolygonFeatures ( _
    ByVal outputProperties As IRouteEventProperties, _
    ByVal keepAllFields As Boolean, _
    ByVal keepZeroLengthEvents As Boolean, _
    ByVal outputName As IDatasetName, _
    ByVal configKeyword As String, _
    ByVal trackCancel As ITrackCancel _
) As ITable
public ITable LocatePolygonFeatures (
    IRouteEventProperties outputProperties,
    bool keepAllFields,
    bool keepZeroLengthEvents,
    IDatasetName outputName,
    string configKeyword,
    ITrackCancel trackCancel
HRESULT LocatePolygonFeatures(
  IRouteEventProperties* outputProperties,
  VARIANT_BOOL keepAllFields,
  VARIANT_BOOL keepZeroLengthEvents,
  IDatasetName* outputName,
  BSTR configKeyword,
  ITrackCancel* trackCancel,
  ITable** OutputTable

Parameters outputProperties [in]
outputProperties is a parameter of type IRouteEventProperties keepAllFields [in] keepAllFields is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL keepZeroLengthEvents [in] keepZeroLengthEvents is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL outputName [in]
outputName is a parameter of type IDatasetName configKeyword [in] configKeyword is a parameter of type BSTR trackCancel [in]
trackCancel is a parameter of type ITrackCancel OutputTable [out, retval]
OutputTable is a parameter of type ITable

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Creates a table that can be used to display line events on a map.


The keepAllFields Boolean allows you to include or disinclude the attributes of the polygon feature class.  If this is set to False, the otuput event table will only contain the route event properties (IRouteEventProperties).

The keepZeroLengthEvents Boolean parameter allows you to keep or not keep the zero length line events in the output event table.  The zero length line events result from a case where the geometric intersection of the route (line) and the polygon is a point.  An example is where only a corner of the polygon touches the route. 

See Also

IRouteLocatorOperations Interface | IRouteEventProperties Interface | IRouteEventProperties2 Interface | IRouteLocatorOperations Interface