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ISMDirItem Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesFile)  

ISMDirItem Interface

Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the description and geography of one item of driving directions.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Provides information about one item in the driving directions collection.


Read-only property Azimuth The azimuth of the direction item. Returns an esriSMAzimuthType constant.
Read-only property BoundBox The geographic extent of the direction item.
Read-only property DriveText Formatted text descrbing the length and time of the direction item.
Read-only property ItemType The type of direction item. Returns an esriSMDirItemType constant.
Read-only property Length The length of the route part, in miles by default, corresponding to the direction item.
Read-only property RoutePart The route part number associated with a direction item.
Read-only property Shape A collection of points representing the shape of the direction item.
Read-only property StreetName The street name of the direction item.
Read-only property Text A string describing the direction item.
Read-only property Time The driving time of the route part corresponding to the direction item.
Read-only property TurnAngle The turn angle of the direction item.

CoClasses that implement ISMDirItem

CoClasses and Classes Description
SMDirItem Deprecated as of 10.1. A description and geography of one item of driving directions.


The ISMDirItem interface provides detailed information about one item in the driving directions collection. This is the place the route path geography can be retrieved.

.NET Samples

StreetMap routing (Code Files: RoutingForm)