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ISaveAs Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

ISaveAs Interface

Provides access to methods for saving as a new Dataset. Note: the ISaveAs interface has been superseded byISaveAs2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The ISaveAs interface saves a raster or raster dataset to an output raster dataset in one of the supported raster formats.


Method CanSaveAs Checks if it's can be saved as a new persistent Dataset of a given format.
Method SaveAs Creates a new persistent Dataset of a given format.

CoClasses that implement ISaveAs

CoClasses and Classes Description
MosaicRaster (esriDataSourcesRaster) A mosaic of rasters.
Raster (esriDataSourcesRaster) An in-memory representation of a dynamic raster that can perform resampling and reprojection.
RasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) A representation of a raster dataset on disk.
RenderedRaster (esriCarto) A raster that is rendered using a renderer.

See Also

Raster Class | RasterDataset Class | MosaicRaster Class

.NET Samples

Mosaic raster datasets to a file raster format (Code Files: CreateFileRasterMosaic) | Create a custom NoData pixel filter (Code Files: TestApp)

.NET Related Topics

DataSourcesRaster | Geodatabase | How to create a custom convolution filter | How to create an image server layer | How to orthorectify an image | How to pan sharpen an image | How to perform a geodata transformation on a raster | How to project a raster with a datum transformation | How to save a function raster dataset into a raster dataset | How to save raster data and set storage properties | How to set raster properties when saving as a raster | How to split a raster dataset into multiple tiles