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ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Interfaces > IS > ISymbolCollectionElement Interface > ISymbolCollectionElement.OverriddenProperties Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK) |
Overridden properties.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property OverriddenProperties As Integer
[C#] public int OverriddenProperties {get; set;}
HRESULT get_OverriddenProperties(
long* props
HRESULT put_OverriddenProperties(
long props
Parameters props [out, retval] props is a parameter of type long props [in] props is a parameter of type long
This property returns the sum of values which represent the overriden properties of this element. This property can be evaluated by performing an Xor comparison of the value and the individual override values availible from esriSymbolOverrideEnum. If the element is not referencing a symbol in the symbol collection, this value will be 0.
To reset the element to have no overrides, set the value of the property to 0. Putting values into this property can be used to clear overrides. For instance, if the overrride value is 3 meaning that both X and Y Offset are overriden, you can set the override value to 1 and remove the Y Offset.