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ITimeData2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

ITimeData2 Interface

Provides access to time related properties of a layer.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method GetFullTimeExtent Returns the time extent for all the data in the layer.
Read/write property HasLiveData
Read-only property SupportsTime Indicates whether the layer has any time data.
Read-only property TimeReference Time reference for the contents of the layer.
Read/write property UseTime Indicates whether to use the time for animation purposes.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITimeData Provides access to time related properties of a layer.

CoClasses that implement ITimeData2

CoClasses and Classes Description
CadastralFabricSubLayer Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object.
FDOGraphicsLayer A collection of properties for an annotation layer (feature data object graphics layer).
FeatureLayer A collection of features and their visual representation.
GdbRasterCatalogLayer Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options.
ImageServerLayer Image server layer source and display options.
MapServerLayer Provides programmatic access to a map server layer.
MapServerRESTLayer Provides programmatic access to a a layer based on MapServer using REST access.
MapServerRESTSubLayer Provides programmatic access to a MapServer SubLayer.
MosaicLayer The layer implementation of the Mosaic Dataset.
NetworkLayer Esri Network Layer CoClass.
RasterLayer Raster layer source and display options.
StandaloneTable A standalone table.
TemporalFeatureLayer (esriTrackingAnalyst) Defines the coclass IDL parameters and attributes of the TemporalFeatureLayer COM object.
WMSMapLayer A container for the display and manipulation of WMS layers.