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IToolBarDef.GetItemInfo Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (SystemUI)  

IToolBarDef.GetItemInfo Method

The CLSID for the item on this toolbar at the specified index.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub GetItemInfo ( _
    ByVal pos As Integer, _
    ByVal itemDef As IItemDef _
public void GetItemInfo (
    int pos,
    IItemDef itemDef
HRESULT GetItemInfo(
  long pos,
  IItemDef* itemDef

Parameters pos [in] pos is a parameter of type long itemDef [in]
itemDef is a parameter of type IItemDef

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


pos represents the locational index number of this item on the toolbar.

itemDef is an IItemDef object that defines the item at this position of the toolbar.


When implementing IToolBarDef to create a custom toolbar, use the GetItemInfo method to define what items are on this toolbar. To find the CLSID, ProgID, and subtype of a built-in command or menu in ArcMap or ArcCatalog, refer to the following technical documents:

ArcObjects Developer Help > Technical Documents > ArcMap: Names and IDs of commands and commandbars

ArcObjects Developer Help > Technical Documents > ArcCatalog: Names and IDs of commands and commandbars

See Also

IToolBarDef Interface | IItemDef Interface