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IWorkspaceExtension Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IWorkspaceExtension Interface

Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information. Note: the IWorkspaceExtension interface has been superseded byIWorkspaceExtension2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property DataDictionaryTableNames Any data dictionary tables that should not be exposed to browsers and should not participate in edit sessions.
Read-only property GUID The GUID that identifies this Workspace Extension.
Read-only property Name The Name for this Workspace Extension.
Read-only property PrivateDatasetNames The private datasets that should not be exposed to browsers.

CoClasses that implement IWorkspaceExtension

CoClasses and Classes Description
AddressLocatorWorkspaceExtension (esriLocation) Address Locator Workspace Extension.
MosaicWorkspaceExtension (esriDataSourcesRaster) A mosaic dataset workspace extension.
NetworkDatasetWorkspaceExtension A container for describing this network dataset's workspace extension properties.
RepresentationWorkspaceExtension Workspace extension to support representations in a geodatabase.
TerrainWorkspaceExtension (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Esri TerrainWorkspaceExtension component.
ToolboxWorkspaceExtension (esriGeoprocessing) Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase.
TopologyWorkspaceExtension Esri Topology Workspace Extension object.
WorkspaceExtension Workspace Extension Object.


The Workspace instantiates all WorkspaceExtensions that are registered in the component category CATID_GeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions at connection time. An application extension can find a workspace extension by its well known GUID (globally unique identifier) and invoke methods supported by the extension as appropriate.

IWorkspaceExtension is a mandatory interface that must be supported by all workspace extensions.

See Also

IWorkspace Interface | IWorkspaceExtensionControl Interface

.NET Snippets

Open Network Dataset

.NET Samples

Extending the replication synchronization process (Code Files: RegisterExtension)

.NET Related Topics

Creating workspace extensions | How to open a network dataset