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SchematicDataset Class (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Schematic)  

SchematicDataset Class

Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset.

SchematicDataset is a non-creatable object. References to non-creatable objects must be obtained through other objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Schematics Extension.


Interfaces Description
IDataset (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that supply dataset information.
IDatasetEditInfo (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that maintain dataset editing information.
IMetadata (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that manage and update metadata.
IMetadataEdit (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that provide information about whether metadata can be edited.
ISchemaLock (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members for accessing schema locking functionality.
ISchematicDatabaseRelease Provides access to members that control information about the release version of a schematic database.
ISchematicDataset Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset.
ISchematicDatasetDesign Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset design.
ISchematicDatasetImport Provides access to members that manage the schematic dataset import.
ISchematicDatasetLock Provides access to members that control the Schematic Dataset Lock status.
ISchematicDataSourceContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic data source container.
ISchematicDiagramClassContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic diagram class container.
ISchematicDiagramContainer Provides access to members that control the schematic diagrams defined within a container (that is, within a schematic dataset or a schematic folder).
ISchematicElementClassContainer Provides access to members that manage the schematic element class container.
ISchematicFolderContainer Provides access to members that control the schematic folders defined within a container (that is, whithin a schematic dataset or another schematic folder).

Event Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ISchematicDatasetEvents (default) Provides access to events that occur on schematic dataset.
ISchematicAlgorithmEvents Provides access to events that occur when schematic algorithms are executed.

Working with Events

[Visual Basic 6.0]

When working with SchematicDataset's default outbound interface in Visual Basic 6 declare variables as follows:

Private WithEvents pSchematicDataset as SchematicDataset

When implementing ISchematicAlgorithmEvents declare variables as follows:

Private WithEvents pSchematicAlgorithmEvents as SchematicAlgorithmEvents