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cadastralError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Cadastral)  

cadastralError Constants

Cadastral Transaction Error Codes.

Constant Value Description
CADASTRAL_E_OPERATION_FAILED -2147221247 Transaction failed.
CADASTRAL_E_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS -2147221246 Cadastral job name already exists.
CADASTRAL_E_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS -2147221245 Lock already exists for parcel.
CADASTRAL_E_JOB_ALREADY_COMMITTED -2147221244 Job has already been committed.
CADASTRAL_E_JOB_RENAME_FAILED -2147221243 Job could not be renamed.
CADASTRAL_E_NOT_PLANAR -2147221242 Lines to create polygons are not planar (planarize lines first).
CADASTRAL_E_DANGLELINE -2147221241 A dangle line was found when constructing parcels.
CADASTRAL_E_DISJOINTPARCELS -2147221240 Disjoint parcels have been found while merging parcels.
CADASTRAL_E_NOPARCELINES -2147221239 No parcel lines were found.
CADASTRAL_E_NOPARCELS -2147221238 No parcels were found.
CADASTRAL_E_ACQUIREDLOCKS -2147221237 Could not acquire locks for all parcels.
CADASTRAL_E_IMPORTFIELD_MISSING -2147220735 A field required for the import is missing.
CADASTRAL_E_IMPORTSRC_NOT_PCS -2147220734 A field that is required to be on the Import Source is missing.
CADASTRAL_E_NO_LICENSE -2147220733 No license available.
CADASTRAL_E_CONTAINS_COMPRESSEDDATA -2147220732 No license available.
CADASTRAL_E_PARCELS_NOT_VISIBLE -2147220731 Parcel Layer is not visible

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.