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How to draw mouse feedback on the globe using direct OpenGL plug-in (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

How to draw mouse feedback on the globe using direct OpenGL plug-in

OpenGL drawing can be used in GlobeDisplay’s BeforeDraw or AfterDraw event handlers and in CustomGlobeLayers’ DrawImmediate method implementations. This topic shows how to draw mouse feedback on the globe using OpenGL in the context of a user-defined tool.

In this topic

Drawing mouse feedback on the globe

Do the following steps to draw mouse feedback on the globe:
  1. Start Visual Studio. In the Solution Explorer, add a new ArcGIS tool. Use the Visual Studio .NET IDE integration framework to implement a BaseTool for ArcGlobe and GlobeControl.
  2. Add references to your OpenGL wrapper library and to the ESRI GlobeCore and Analyst3D assemblies. For more information, see How to get and install an OpenGL wrapper for .NET.
  3. In your class, set member variables for the IGlobeDisplay, IGlobeViewUtil, and ISceneViewer interfaces. Set member variables to store mouse coordinates and a Boolean flag that indicates whether the mouse key is pressed down. See the following code example:
private IGlobeViewUtil m_globeViewUtil=null;
private IGlobeDisplay m_globeDisplay=null;
private ISceneViewer m_sceneViwer=null;
private int m_srcX;
private int m_srcY;
private bool m_bDrawPoint=false;
  1. In the Tool OnClick() event handler method, cache GlobeDisplay, SceneViewer, and GlobeViewUtil, then start listening to the Globe’s AfterDraw event. See the following code example:
m_globeViewUtil=m_globeHookHelper.Camera as IGlobeViewUtil;

//Start listening to globe display events.
((IGlobeDisplayEvents_Event)m_globeDisplay).AfterDraw += new
  1. Get the mouse coordinates and switch into tracking mode in the OnMouseDown event handler.
  2. Call Redraw so that the OnAfterDraw method is called and draws the mouse position on the globe. See the following code example:
public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)

    //Switch into tracking mode.

    //Refresh the display so that the AfterDraw gets called.
  1. Repeat the steps for the OnMouseMove event handler, except this time, test whether tracking mode is in effect. See the following code example:
public override void OnMouseMove(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
    //If not in tracking mode, just return.
    if (false == m_bDrawPoint)
        return ;

    //Cache the coordinates since they are needed for the AfterDraw.

    //Refresh the display so that AfterDraw is called.
  1. In the OnMouseUp event handler, switch off tracking mode to stop drawing the mouse location. See the following code example:
public override void OnMouseUp(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
    //Switch off tracking mode.

    //Refresh the display so that AfterDraw is called.

Implementing OnAfterDraw event handler

Drawing occurs in the OnAfterDraw event handler. The AfterDraw and BeforeDraw events are the only place where you are guaranteed to safely make OpenGL calls (the OpenGL state is ready for the custom calls).
Do the following steps to implement OnAfterDraw:
  1. Scroll down to the OnAfterDraw method. See the following code example:
public void OnAfterDraw(ISceneViewer pViewer){

  1. Inside the OnAfterDraw method, use IGlobeViewUtil to convert from window coordinates into geocentric coordinates (used by OpenGL). See the following code example:
double glX, glY, glZ;
m_globeViewUtil.WindowToGeocentric(m_globeDisplay, m_sceneViwer, m_srcX, m_srcY,
    true, out glX, out glY, out glZ);
  1. When you have converted the geographic coordinate into a geocentric coordinate system, draw the OpenGL point. See the following code example:
//Draw the converted point on the surface of the globe.
GL.glColor3ub(255, 0, 0);
GL.glVertex3f((float)glX, (float)glY, (float)glZ);

See Also:

How to get and install an OpenGL wrapper for .NET

Additional Requirements
  • OpenGL wrapper library (such as CsGL) that enables you to make the OpenGL calls.
  • ArcGIS Visual Studio integration development environment (IDE) integration framework installed on your machine. This is installed with a typical installation of the ArcObjects Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • This topic assumes you are familiar with the Visual C# programming language, and have knowledge of creating commands and tools for ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS for Desktop.

Development licensing Deployment licensing
Engine Developer Kit Engine: 3D Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: 3D Analyst ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: 3D Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: 3D Analyst ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: 3D Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: 3D Analyst ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: 3D Analyst