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Sample: TreeFeature (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)


This sample makes a subclass of the standard esriGeodatabase Feature by adding an interface with functions specific to trees.

How to use

Data has been provided for your use with this sample. It can be found at <Your ArcGIS Developer Kit Install directory>/Samples/data/Trees/GDBTrees.gdb.
If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. Open and build the solution to register the DLL and register to component categories.
  2. Open ArcMap and add the Trees feature class. You will find this feature class in the Samples/Data/Trees/GDBTrees.gdb of the ArcObjects Developer Kit. This feature class has been preconfigured to store custom tree features.
  3. In the ArcMap VBA environment, Click Tools, then References and browse to the example's DLL.
  4. Run the 'TreeFeatureTest' VBA macro from the TreeFeatureTest.bas file that accompanies the example.
StdAfx.h Standard precompiled header file that imports the ArcGIS object libraries.
Tree.idl Interface Definition Language file that defines the coclass and custom interface.
TreeFeature.cpp Implementation of the custom feature.
TreeFeature.h Header file for the custom feature.
Download the VCPP files

Download the files for all languages

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ArcGIS for Desktop Standard ArcGIS for Desktop Standard
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