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esriARSpatialRelationship Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

esriARSpatialRelationship Constants

Spatial relationship options.

Constant Value Description
esriARSpatialRelationshipUndefined 0 No defined spatial relationship.
esriARSpatialRelationshipIntersects 1 Query shape intersects target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipEnvelopeIntersects 2 Envelope of query shape intersects envelope of target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipIndexIntersects 3 Query shape intersects index entry for target shape (primary index filter).
esriARSpatialRelationshipTouches 4 Query shape touches target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipOverlaps 5 Query shape overlaps target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipCrosses 6 Query shape crosses target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipWithin 7 Query shape is within target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipContains 8 Query shape contains target shape.
esriARSpatialRelationshipRelation 9 Query shape IBE (Interior-Boundary-Exterior) relationship with target shape.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Publisher Extension.

.NET Samples

ArcReaderControl spatial query (Code Files: SpatialQuery)